Nov 24

9:15:07 AM


Surviving as a twindie studio

Nordic Game Bits interviewed us and wrote an article about it. They chose to focus on our survival, which sounds overly dramatic but is mostly click-bait. It’s an interesting topic though, so check it out:

How Does Good Night Brave Warrior Plan to Survive as a Twindie Studio?


Nov 10

9:40:43 PM


Ming enters the greenlight

We have launched a Steam Greenlight campaign for Sling Ming and we need your help! Please vote for Sling Ming here:

Sling Ming greenlight page


Oct 07

10:51:43 AM


We are square?

Northland Square has written a profile on Good Night Brave Warrior. We are now officially part of the Nordic indie scene. Check it out:

Profile – Good Night Brave Warrior


Jul 06

4:36:05 PM

by Mattias

Building Better Boundaries

Whenever somebody plays Sling Ming we try to figure out what they’re having difficulties with. It never ever goes as smooth as you hope it would! As a game designer you must be able to re-evaluate your assumptions based on real world feedback. It’s probably your number one ability. Or perhaps second – being creative is somewhat important as well.

One comment we’ve heard several times is:
Why can’t I move this thing over there?


May 27

11:55:29 AM

by Mattias

Nordic Impressions

We got badges
Last week we took a trip to Malmö and visited Nordic Game, the biggest gamedev convention up here in the north. We’ve never been there before, so it was all very exciting and we didn’t know what to expect. Overall we had a great time, although we suspect it’s even more fun if you are well connected within the games industry.

These are some of our impressions from Nordic Game, in case you’re considering going next year or just want a highly subjective summary of the whole thing.


Apr 23

3:46:55 PM

by Mattias

The Devil is in the Details

Games consist of interactions, and lots of them. Each interaction might seem simple, especially since they often happen over a time span of half a second or less. But getting an interaction to feel natural and satisfying, at the same time conveying what is happening while never feeling slow or cumbersome, is an art in itself.


Jun 18

11:21:54 AM

by Mattias

Game Nostalgia #1

The games we played when we were young still plays a big part in the types of games we enjoy to play and create today. So for you to get to know GNBW a little bit closer, let’s take a walk down memory lane and share some unashamed game nostalgia. The game I want to talk about today is Wonder Boy III: The Dragon’s Trap for Sega Master System.

Comment [1]

Jun 11

12:46:11 PM

by Andreas

A fling with Ming

We’ve decided to change the character from a passive guy to an active girl! How’s that for politically correct (if you look past the skin tight suit that is). A lovely facebook fan suggested “a little princess astronaut” so here she is! Still just a concept i thought i’d share. We really need to nail the story soon; making graphics without a story is like writing without a language.


May 07

3:53:00 PM

by Andreas

Prototype #3


Comment [1]

Mar 06

4:29:27 PM


Open for business!

The Swedish King approves of our antics!
We have pulled the lever and the factory is slowly starting up. What it will produce we don’t know. All we know is that we have a big supply of ideas that we’ll pour onto the conveyor belt. Then the complex system of machines takes over. Chop them up, combine and filter out. We add selected pixels of the finest quality and polish with the purest of algorithms!

We are super thrilled about running our own business. Back to basics; craft a product and put it out on the market. And games must be the ultimate product! The sweet union of art and logic.

Stay tuned!
